Amrita Khanjanikari Ras

An Excellent Nerve Tonic
Rs. 570
Rs. 600
Rs. 570
Size: 30T

Amrita Khanjanikari Ras (Ref: Bhaishajya Ratnavali) has alterative, stimulant and nervine properties. Its ingredients make it an excellent nerve tonic with central nervous system stimulating properties. It is an excellent treatment for chronic paralysis, facial paralysis, paraplegia, lathyrism, and monoplegia.

Shuddha Kupilu, Malla Sindhura, Roupya Bhasma, Arjuna Twak Kwath
  • It may manage chronic paralysis and Facial paralysis
  • Helpful in treating diseases due to deranged vata or Vata vyadhis
  • It is also indicated in treatment of following disorders: paraplegia (lower body paralysis), lathyrism (muscular weakness), monoplegia (paralysis of one limb or one side of the body), Gonnorhoea, Pneumonia, Sannipat and khanjadivat (lameness)
Usage: 1-2 tablets twice a day with milk/ghee or as directed by the physician
  1. Read the label carefully before use
  2. Store in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight
  3. Keep out of reach of children
  4. Don’t exceed the recommended dosage
  5. Pregnant or lactating women, children, and people with medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before use
Amrita Khanjanikari Ras

Amrita Khanjanikari Ras

Rs. 600 Rs. 570

Amrita Khanjanikari Ras

Rs. 600 Rs. 570
Size: 30T

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