Amrita Chitrakadi Vati

Improves Digestive Power
Rs. 124
Rs. 135
Rs. 124
Size: 60T

Amrita Chitrakadi Vati is a potent digestive medicine that improves digestion power. It is known to treat constipation, abdominal distension and improve appetite. Imbued with digestive, caustic, stimulant and carminative properties, it eliminates harmful AMA toxins from the body accumulated due to malabsorption of food particles.

Chitraka, Pippalimula, Yavakshara, Swarjikakshara, Sauvarchala
  • Useful treatment for loss of appetite, indigestion and flatulence.
  • It is used in prepratory procedure of Panchakarma, wherein patient’s digestive power needs improvement.
  • Chitrakadi in Sanskrt means “fire or agni”, therefore chiktradi vati eliminates all digestive issues caused due to the lack of digestive power (mandagni).
Usage: 1-2 tablets twice a day in-between meals with water or lemon juice or as directed by the physician
  1. Read the label carefully before use
  2. Store in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight
  3. Keep out of reach of children
  4. Don’t exceed the recommended dosage
  5. Pregnant or lactating women, children, and people with medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before use
Amrita Chitrakadi Vati

Amrita Chitrakadi Vati

Rs. 135 Rs. 124

Amrita Chitrakadi Vati

Rs. 135 Rs. 124
Size: 60T

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