Amrita Sutshekhar Ras (Ref: Rasa Tantra Sara) is a classical Ayurvedic medicine used for relieving problems related to acidity (Hyper-acidity, gastric ulcers, peptic ulcer, giddiness, etc.). It pacifies the disruption of vata and pitta doshas. It also helps in binding stool to lower the stress on abdominal muscles.
Key Benefits:
- Enhances appetite and reduces nausea/vomiting senations
- In some cases of insomnia, it can help in bringing sound sleep
- Has carminative, stimulant, digestive, antacid and anti-inflammatory properties
- Helps relieve migraine and headaches caused by pitta aggravation and hyperacidity
Contains: Shuddha Parad (Purified Mercury), Shuddha Gandhak (Purified Sulphur), Shuddha Vatsanabha, Shuddha Tankana (Purified Borax), Shuddha Dhatura, Swarnamakshika Bhasma (Calx of Iron Pyrites), Tamra Bhasma (Calx of Copper), Shankha Bhasma (Calx of Conch Shell), Shunthi, Marich, Pippali, Twak, Ela, Nagakesara, Bilwa, Shathi, Bhringaraja Juice
Usage: 1-2 tablets twice a day in the morning and evening or as directed by the physician
Packaging: 60T & 100T
Price: ₹205.00 – ₹325.00
For Enquiries:
5-192, Koheda Road, Patelguda, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal, Telangana – 501 510.
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